2017 JA Memorial Day Service at JACCC

Families lay flowers at the Japanese American National War Memorial Court in 2015. (MARIO G. REYES/Rafu Shimpo)
The Americans of Japanese Ancestry WWII Memorial Alliance, Japanese American Korean War Veterans, Japanese American Vietnam Veterans Memorial Committee and Veterans Memorial Court Alliance announced that on Saturday, May 27, at 11 a.m., the annual Memorial Day Service to honor all Japanese Americans who gave their lives in our nation’s wars will be held adjacent to the Japanese American National War Memorial Court at the Japanese American Cultural and Community Center, 244 S. San Pedro St. in Little Tokyo.
“Our community and nation are forever indebted to these Japanese Americans from all wars, whose names are engraved on the four monuments in the Memorial Court, for their supreme sacrifices for the United States of America,” organizers said. “We invite fellow veterans, active-duty personnel and all members of the community to join us to remember and honor our heroes, who gave their precious lives on our behalf.”
The keynote speaker will be Akira Chiba, consul general of Japan in Los Angeles. The emcee will be Col. Russell Nakaishi. Singing the national anthem and “God Bless America” will be Helen Ota of the Grateful Crane Ensemble.
Also participating will be representatives from the many veteran and community organizations throughout Southern California. The Koyasan Buddhist Temple Boy Scout Troop 379 and the Redondo Union High School Marine Corp Jr. ROTC will again perform the uniformed ceremonies of the service. Representatives from the Buddhist and Christian faiths will offer prayers to these brave men.
Gold Star mothers and families who are in attendance will be acknowledged. Check in at the registration table at the Memorial Court to confirm your attendance.
All those for whom organizers have an address were invited by letter. If you have not received a letter, contact Ken Hayashi at (323) 585-0802, (323) 588-7716 (fax), or kenh@rogerspoultry.com; or David Miyoshi at (310) 378-0615, (310) 378-0000 (fax), or david@miyoshilaw.com.
If you have any other questions about the services, contact Sam Shimoguchi at (310) 822-6688, David Miyoshi at (310) 378-0615 or Ken Hayashi at (323) 585-0802.