2018-19 Aratani CARE Award Applications Opened
Sakaye and George Aratani
UCLA’s Asian American Studies Center announces that the 2018-2019 Aratani CARE Award applications will be accepted between until Dec. 3 at 5 p.m.
Awards will be announced in January 2019. Information about the funding and how to apply is available at the Aratani CARE website: www.aratanicare.org/
The George and Sakaye Aratani Community Advancement Research Endowment or Aratani CARE Awards are given to projects that will benefit and advance the Japanese American community. Projects that strengthen ties between the Japanese American community and UCLA students, staff, and faculty will receive particular consideration.
Award recipients must list and acknowledge UCLA’s Asian American Studies Center and the Aratani CARE Award as co-sponsors on PR and programs.
Nonprofit organizations and qualified individuals are invited to apply for awards that generally range from, but are not limited to, $1,000 to $5,000. Recent past awardees include: UCLA’s Nikkei Student Union; Japanese Institute Sawtelle; Little Tokyo Historical Society; Kizuna; JARP Oral History Restoration Project; Nikkei Women’s Legacy Association; and Nichi Bei Foundation. Specific questions about the Aratani CARE Award that are not covered on the website may be sent to the Aratani Care Team’s email address: aratanicare@aasc.ucla.edu