An Organic Comedy
“Bittersweet” (2016, 96 minutes), directed by Shogo Kusano, will be screened on Wednesday, Aug. 8, at 7 p.m. at the Japan Foundation Los Angeles, 5700 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 100, Los Angeles.
In this live-action adaptation of Yumio Kobayashi’s romance manga “Nigakute Amai,” Maki (Haruna Kawaguchi) works diligently at her advertising firm. Though a farmer’s daughter, she despises vegetables, and not being fond of housework, also has no luck with men.
Maki meets handsome art teacher Nagisa (Kento Hayashi) and instantly falls in love. She ends up moving in with him, but he turns out to be a gay, organic vegetarian.
Part of the Japanema series, which has screenings every second and fourth Wednesday. Free. For more information, call (323) 761-7510 or visit