APABA Solano County to Honor Minami, Korematsu
FAIRFIELD — The Asian Pacific American Bar Association of Solano County will hold its seventh annual dinner on Thursday, Oct. 18, at 5:30 p.m. at the Solano County Events Center, 601 Texas St. in Fairfield.
Karen Korematsu and Dale Minami
The program will include the documentary “And Then They Came for Us.” The 2018 honorees are Dale Minami (President’s Award) and Karen Korematsu (Community Service Award). Minami is a partner in the San Francisco-based law firm Minami Tamaki LLP and was a member of the coram nobis legal team that reopened Fred Korematsu’s wartime Supreme Court case; Karen Korematsu is Fred Korematsu’s daughter and founder/executive director of the Fred T. Korematsu Institute.
Co-sponsored by the Solano County Bar Association.
The cost is $50 for members, $65 for non-members. For more information, call (510) 220-7171, email apabasolanocounty@gmail.com or visit www.apabasolanocounty.com.