ArtNight at Pasadena Buddhist Temple

Alan Nakagawa
PASADENA — Pasadena Buddhist Temple, 1993 Glen Ave., is part of Pasadena Artnight on Friday, Oct. 11, from 6 to 10 p.m.
Enjoy an evening of multimedia experiences and discussions surrounding the history of t the Japanese tea ceremony at the temple. The evening will feature original sound art by Alan Nakagawa, Side Street Project’s artist-in-residence; viewings of historic photos recently donated by temple members; and rare, untold stories by Jose Salcedo Sensei, resident ikebana and tea ceremony instructor.
Short films and discussions at 5:30, 7 and 8:30 p.m.
The deadline for pre-ordering dinner has passed, but food items will be availble day-of as long as supplies last.
ArtNight is a free evening of art, music and entertainment at Pasadena’s most prominent arts and cultural institutions. The temple will be one of 22 stops (which also include USC Pacific Asia Museum) on five free shuttle routes. Use the Northwest route to get to the temple. Get on/off at any stop. Free parking at the temple.
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