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Keiro Releases Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Photo by Nao Nakanishi/Rafu Shimpo

Photo by Nao Nakanishi/Rafu Shimpo

Note: Because The Rafu Shimpo has run several letters to the editor criticizing Keiro Senior HealthCare’s decision to sell its facilities, we reached out to Keiro representatives to offer to run an article from their perspective as well. We received this fact sheet in response. It is currently only available in English. —Mia Nakaji Monnier and Nao Nakanishi

Leading up to and through the process of transition, Keiro Senior HealthCare has tried to keep the community informed about the process and status of the sale of the facilities – with special focus on those who are most impacted – our residents, their families, our staff, our volunteers, and our closest supporters. We have tried to reach as many people in the general community as possible through our newsletters, our website, English and Japanese publications, and the many community education sessions, conferences, and events that we hosted with our community partner organizations.

Yet, we know that we couldn’t and cannot reach everyone in our community.

The following is a listing of the most frequently asked questions received and what we hope is an easy index to the answers we have previously published. As always, we invite your questions. Please email us at:

Why are the Keiro facilities being sold?

Because the impact of health care reform on the health care delivery system is making Keiro’s current model of care unsustainable and the changing demographics and preferences of people in our community.

  1. Umbrella of Care. Fall/Winter 2012.

  2. Umbrella of Care. Spring 2013.

  3. Page 6

  4. Page 8

  5. How Contracting Affects Residents and Keiro. April 2013.

  6. Umbrella of Care. Summer 2013.

  7. Page 4

  8. Page 6

  9. An Overview of Healthcare Reform. June 8, 2013.

  10. Health Care Reform: What It Means to Our Community. Posted May 24, 2012; updated December 2012; updated March 2013; updated April 2013; updated May 2013, *updated August 2013.

  11. Umbrella of Care. Fall 2013.

  12. Three Part Series on Health Care Reform in the Rafu Shimpo. 日本語

  13. Part 1 – Health Care Reform: A Changing Health Care System. October 19, 2013;

  14. Part 2 – Health Care Reform: Effect on Nursing Home Residents and Providers Like Keiro. November 2, 2013;

  15. Part 3 – Health Care Reform: Locking Ahead to the Future. November 16, 2013.

  16. Three Part Series on Health Care Reform in Japanese. 日本語

  17. Questions from Family Members. December 7, 2013.

  18. Keiro CEO: Years of Study Led to Decision. Rafu Shimpo. December 20, 2013.

  19. Umbrella of Care. Winter 2014.

What will happen to the residents?

All residents will stay in place and continue to have first priority in moving to another Keiro facility, as their needs change. This is a condition of the Attorney General.

What will happen to the staff?

All facility staff will be hired by the new operators. This is a condition of the Attorney General.

What will happen to the volunteers?

All volunteers may continue to volunteer; the new operators must maintain the volunteer programs. This is a condition of the Attorney General.

Will Japanese activities, food, language, celebrations, etc. continue after the transition?

Residents in all facilities will have access to Japanese food at meals and will continue to experience the same programming, activities and resources they currently enjoy. This is a condition of the Attorney General.

What will happen to previously made donations or pledges?

Contributions to Keiro have been utilized to support residents and improvements to the facilities in the fiscal year received. Previous donations and pledges made to Keiro’s Endowment Fund will remain with the Keiro organization and continue to benefit our community.

What will happen with the money from the sale?

Proceeds will remain with Keiro to benefit older adults in the Japanese American community through programs and services consistent with Keiro’s mission. This is also a condition of the Attorney General.

What will Keiro do in the future?

Keiro’s near-term plan is to expand programs to improve the health and well-being of seniors and family caregivers in our community – work that has been ongoing for more than a decade. The Keiro Board has begun a long-term strategic planning process that will continue into next year.

For a chronology of events and the latest information regarding Keiro/transition please visit:

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