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Memorial Day Service at Gardena Valley JCI

Writer's picture: Rafu ShimpoRafu Shimpo

GARDENA — The Gardena Nisei Memorial VFW Post 1961 will hold its annual Memorial Day Service honoring all deceased post members who served in defense of our country on foreign soil.

Ron Ikejiri

The service will be held on Sunday, May 26, at 2 p.m. in the Nisei Veterans Hall at the Gardena Valley Japanese Cultural Institute, 1964 W. 162nd St. in Gardena.

Featured in the service will be keynote speaker Ron Ikejiri, former Gardena city councilmember. Senior Army Instructor First Sgt. Thierry Williams of Gardena High School AJROTC will emcee the ceremony.

Family and friends of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1961 can pay tribute to their loved ones in a moving candlelighting ceremony. Rev. Allison Mark of Faith United Methodist Church in Torrance will give the invocation and benediction. The Faith UMC Sax Quartet will provide inspirational selections.

Also participating will be the VFW Post 1961 Young Adult Honor Guard, Gardena High School Army JROTC, Faith UMC Boy Scout Troop 719, and the Gardena Evening Optimist Boy Scout Troop 683.

For more information, contact co-chairpersons Low and Carolyn Dong at (310) 483-3646 or Sue Watanabe at (310) 324-5415.



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