Nikkei Progressives to Discuss Protest in Texas
Nikkei Progressives will discuss their recent protest at the immigrant detention center in Dilley, Texas and their visit to the site of the Crystal City WWII internment camp on Sunday, May 12, from 3 to 5 p.m. at 341 FSN, 341 E. First St. in Little Tokyo.
More than 50 Asian Americans from across the country protested at the South Texas Family Residential Center, the country’s largest immigrant prison camp, bringing 25,000 origami cranes in solidarity with children and parents behind barbed wire and displaying the “Families Belong Together” quilt.
Speakers include Sharon Yamato, Martha Nakagawa, Tony Osumi (and family) and others. Nikkei Progressives will share a statement from NP member Sean Miura.
The NP Immigration Committee will give an update on the quilt project and plans for a November pilgrimage to Crystal City and Dilley. Learn about what the current work being done around immigrant rights and how you can get involved.
The event will include refreshments, music, video and photos.
This program is part of “Centering the Masses,” produced by Visual Communications. For more about other events, visit
Future events:
Thursday, May 16: Fourth annual Bridging Communities Iftar at Nishi Hongwanji Buddhist Temple at 6 p.m. RSVP required. Register at
Saturday, May 18: Nikkei for Civil Rights & Redress 341FSN program: “From Breaking Silence to Winning Redress” at 2 p.m.