Panel on ‘Asian Americans on Stage and Film’ at Fountain Theatre

Tamlyn Tomita
A panel entitled “Role Players: Asian Americans on Stage and Film” will be held on Sunday, Aug. 25, after the 2 p.m. performance of “Hannah and the Dread Gazebo” at the Fountain Theatre, 5060 Fountain Ave. in Los Angeles.
“Crazy Rich Asians” kicked down the door. Now Asian Americans are fighting to stay in the room. What has changed? What remains the same?
Moderator: Snehal Desai, artistic director, East West Players. Panel: Gavin Lee (“The Orville,” “The Rookie”), Tamlyn Tomita (“The Good Doctor,” “The Man in the High Castle”), Monica Hong (“Californication,” “Love Bites”).
Co-presented by Fountain Theatre and East West Players. For more information:
About the Show

Monica Hong
In Jiehae Park’s “Hannah and the Dread Gazebo,” Hannah is two weeks away from becoming a neurologist when she gets a strange package in the mail from her grandmother in South Korea, who may or may not have just ended her own life. A surreal, funny and heartbreaking adventure leads Hannah on a journey back to her homeland and the forbidden Demilitarized Zone that divides South and North Korea. A startling comedy about a daughter, a mother, a grandmother and the mystery that connects them.
Starring Hahn Cho, Monica Hong, Wonjung Kim, Gavin Lee, Jully Lee, Janet Song.
“An epic fable incorporating the origin myth of Korea… The production, directed by Jennifer Chang, makes vivid use of urban landscape projections on Yee Eun Nam’s darkened set… it’s left to the actors to ground the play’s magic in realism.

Gavin Lee
“Cho and Song lend Hannah’s parents personal textures that keep them from being just generic types. Gavin Lee’s liveliness draws out Dang’s slacker charms so he’s more than a hip-hop cliché. And Hong offers the occasional glimpse of Hannah’s inner life as her control-freak character slowly learns that stories themselves are a kind of wish that our belief makes true.” – Charles McNulty, Los Angeles Times
Runs through Sept. 22. Showtimes: Fridays at 8 p.m., Saturdays at 2 and 8 p.m., Sundays at 2 p.m. Pay-What-You-Want Mondays at 8 p.m. For tickets, call (323) 663-1525, email or visit the website.