Tribute to Nikkei Vets at MIS Historic Learning Center
SAN FRANCISCO — The National Japanese American Historical Society will present a tribute to Nikkei veterans and a celebration of the second anniversary of the Military Intelligence Service Historic Learning Center on Saturday, Nov. 14, at 640 Old Mason St., Crissy Field, Presidio of San Francisco.
Opening ceremony, co-sponsored by the Presidio Trust, will take place at 10 a.m. at the MIS Historic Learning Center.
Museum open house will follow from 12 to 5 p.m. A new temporary exhibition, “Bound by Honor: Japanese American Soldiers in World War II Comics,” will be on view.
Open house schedule is as follows:
3 p.m. — MIS Q&A session with James Iso
3:30 p.m. — Screening of “442nd in Bruyeres, France,” a short film, by Bruyeres Office of Tourism
4 p.m. — 442nd Regimental Combat Team/100th Battalion Q&A session with French resistance fighter Odette Lependu and 442nd veterans
5 p.m. — Annual benefit raffle drawing; winner need not be present
Grand prize is air fare for two to Japan; second prize, air fare for two to Hawaii; third prize, $1,000 cash. Other prizes include gift certificates. Tickets prices: $10 for one, $25 for three, $50 for six, $100 for 12, $250 for 35, $1,000 for 150.
There will also be an invitation-only luncheon for veterans at the Presidio Golf Course Café.
The MIS Historic Learning Center site was the original home of the Fourth Army Intelligence School, which secretly trained Japanese American soldiers in Japanese military language during World War II. Although their top-secret work kept them from full public recognition, these soldiers applied their intellect, language skills, and cultural acumen to achieve victory. They saved countless lives, shortened the war and proved their loyalty to the United States. The mission of this interactive learning center is to preserve a vital part of American history as a tribute to the Japanese American experience and as a promise to the MIS legacy of peace and reconciliation.
For more information, call (415) 921-5007 or visit or